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Displaced Scholar Researches Refugee Hospitality in Kenya


March 3, 2025

Gerawork at the University of Potsdamn
Gerawork Teferra Gizaw at the University of Postdamn

A displaced scholar and one of Columbia Global's Emerging Scholar Fellows recently presented his research on the history of mobility and hospitality.

What does the history of refugee storytelling reveal about a host nation's hospitality?

Gerawork Teferra Gizaw, a displaced scholar from Ethiopia now residing at Columbia Global Center Nairobi, is studying that very question. In a recent presentation at the University of Potsdamn in Germany, Gerawork discussed his experience as a refugee in Keny, where he collected nearly 200 stories of lived experiences from refugees at the Kakuma refugee camp.

"While in Germany, I joined a class of Masters students who were learning a course called Refugees and (Forced) Migrants in Global History and shared my lived experiences and observations with students."
- Gerawork Teferra Gizaw

Read more about Gerawork's experience and research.

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