Center for Political Economy Spring 2025 Showcase

The Center for Political Economy's showcase event highlighted the research projects of its current cohort of faculty and graduate student grantees.
How is Columbia Global crossing disciplines to improve the future of political economy?
On February 11, the Center for Political Economy held its Spring Showcase event, spotlighting six research projects that further its mission to deepen thinking about political economy and promote developments within economics by connecting it to, among other fields, history, law, anthropology, political science, sociology, public health, and engineering.
The showcase brought its projects, themes, and opportunities into focus through a series of presentations from its faculty grant recipients and a poster session led by its graduate student grant recipients.

The research being conducted by the Center’s faculty grantees examines topics such as the social dimensions of forced disappearances, the impact of monetary policy on labor income inequality and credit, the market for climate expertise, and the political economy of economic development during the Enlightenment period through a political economy lens.
The projects being led by the Center’s graduate student grantees explore the intersections between economic structures and political dynamics across historical and contemporary contexts. Their research offers insights into, for example, the role of media in labor organizing, the evolution of colonial labor and welfare policies, and labor activism among migrant workers in platform economies.